Doing someone’s accounts can be quite intimate, oh er missus!
You’d be surprised at what I can learn about you and your business and if I don’t know I have an uncanny knack of finding out. Just call me the Miss Marple of accounts which is all good for you cause then I can help.
Producing a set of accounts is not that difficult (which partly explains why there’s so many accountants out there), gaining a full understanding of what you require and tailoring my services to get the ‘right’ relationship for your business requires a lot more thought and a good deal more effort – for both of us.
Help me Bob, what does that mean? Well if you’re struggling then I can we can work out strategies to help; if you’re earning too much profit we can discuss tax saving schemes or if you see a gap in the market then together we can pull a cashflow/budget together.
Sound reasonable? Then let's talk
"Susan is the bees knees. Highly recommended and has helped me out so much since I started using her services." Colin Cross, director, CMC Services